Manufactured Homes On Display In Somerset, Kentucky

If you can’t find your ideal home on our website, we invite you to visit our sales center in Tyler, Texas. At Republic Homes, we showcase a variety of new and pre-owned manufactured homes. Our dedicated team is ready to help you find the perfect home that suits your needs and preferences. Drop by today and let us assist you on your journey to homeownership.

ManufacturedLot ModelNewOn Display

LandMark Ranch / Signa 1 2LM1084-P

Built by: Commodore Homes
Offered by: Republic Homes of Kentucky
1600 ft²
26'8" x 60'0"
Signa 1 2LM1084-P
Please note:

All sizes and dimensions are nominal or based on approximate builder measurements. 3D Tours and photos may include dealer and/or factory installed options. Republic Homes reserves the right to make changes due to any changes in material, color, specifications, or features at any time without notice or obligation.

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